About Precinct and SD Convention
The Precinct Convention and the SD (Texas Senate District) conventions are held several days after the Primary Election. For Duncanville precincts, the 2024 Precinct Convention will be held on March 7 from 6:30PM to 8PM at Mountain Creek Community Church fellowship hall, 5950 Eagle Ford Drive, Dallas, TX 75249. All area precincts will be there to conduct their conventions simultaneously.
If you plan to attend your Republican precinct convention, make sure you vote in the Republican Primary Election. Alternatively, you may sign an oath of affiliation at the precinct convention stating that you will not participate in other parties’ business during this convention cycle.
What to expect: At the Precinct Convention you can introduce and vote on resolutions (For the accepted format for a party resolution, click here)and elect delegates and alternates to the next convention level. Attending the Precinct Convention is the first step to attending the State Convention in San Antonio in May and even the National Convention in July.
The convention is usually called to order by the precinct chair. If the precinct chair is not present, any participant may begin the meeting. There is no minimum number of people who must be present to hold a precinct convention. If you are the only person present, you can still hold the precinct convention. A precinct convention packet should be available to guide the process of the meeting.
Participants at the precinct convention first elect permanent convention officers, usually a convention chair and secretary. They then elect delegates and alternates to the SD convention. If you are unable to attend your precinct convention it is still possible to attend the Republican Party of Texas State Convention in San Antonio, May 23-25. In order to do this you MUST make an application to and appear in front of the Nominations Committee and attend the upcoming Senate District Convention. (To apply click here.) If you are unable to attend the Senate District Convention as a Delegate, however, you can attend as a guest. Finally, participants consider and vote on any resolutions presented by a participant. This is your opportunity to present a resolution which will be considered at the SD Convention and possibly forwarded on to the State Convention to be part of the state party platform and possibly by the Texas legislature. For the accepted format for a party resolution, click here.
To be valid, all completed paperwork of the precinct convention must be submitted to the county Republican party two to three days after the precinct convention is held. Usually it can be submitted at the end of the meeting.
The SD Convention
The 2024 SD Convention for Senate District 23, which covers Duncanville and the surrounding area, will also be held at Mountain Creek Community Church on Saturday, March 23.
The day begins with check-in at 8:00 AM and is called to order promptly at 9:00 AM. (generally) A break for lunch will include a pre-paid box lunch (normally) or you are welcome to bring your sandwich and drink. Snacks are most often available. The Agenda for each Senate District will differ slightly. The adjournment is at approximately 6:00PM.
The most important part is considering the resolutions from the Precinct Conventions and those presented during the meeting. Also delegates and alternates to the State Convention are approved at the meeting.
Contact Ed Zenner, Temporary Chair with your questions.
[email protected]
The State GOP Convention in SanAntonio, May 23-25, 2024
If you are SURE you can attend the Texas State Republican Convention in San Antonio, please sign up to be a Delegate. If you are not sure, PLEASE sign up to be an ALTERNATE DELEGATE, as 95-100% of ALTERNATES are elevated to full DELEGATE status at Convention once you arrive due to unexpected circumstances. This is not for resume building. You cannot put Convention Delegate on your resume until you actually ATTEND the Convention. Roll Call is taken to assure a Quorum in each Senate District, and no-shows are duly noted. Committee members arrive Sunday May 19, 202 and will begin committee meetings on Monday, May 20, 2024. Convention attendees are expected to be there on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the Convention to VOTE on Party business which includes electing the state party chair and voting on the party platform. Room rates have been pre-set by the Host Hotels by the RPT or find a hotel near the convention center. We encourage ride-sharing. The Convention will be held at the San Antonio Convention Center.
The Precinct Convention and the SD (Texas Senate District) conventions are held several days after the Primary Election. For Duncanville precincts, the 2024 Precinct Convention will be held on March 7 from 6:30PM to 8PM at Mountain Creek Community Church fellowship hall, 5950 Eagle Ford Drive, Dallas, TX 75249. All area precincts will be there to conduct their conventions simultaneously.
If you plan to attend your Republican precinct convention, make sure you vote in the Republican Primary Election. Alternatively, you may sign an oath of affiliation at the precinct convention stating that you will not participate in other parties’ business during this convention cycle.
What to expect: At the Precinct Convention you can introduce and vote on resolutions (For the accepted format for a party resolution, click here)and elect delegates and alternates to the next convention level. Attending the Precinct Convention is the first step to attending the State Convention in San Antonio in May and even the National Convention in July.
The convention is usually called to order by the precinct chair. If the precinct chair is not present, any participant may begin the meeting. There is no minimum number of people who must be present to hold a precinct convention. If you are the only person present, you can still hold the precinct convention. A precinct convention packet should be available to guide the process of the meeting.
Participants at the precinct convention first elect permanent convention officers, usually a convention chair and secretary. They then elect delegates and alternates to the SD convention. If you are unable to attend your precinct convention it is still possible to attend the Republican Party of Texas State Convention in San Antonio, May 23-25. In order to do this you MUST make an application to and appear in front of the Nominations Committee and attend the upcoming Senate District Convention. (To apply click here.) If you are unable to attend the Senate District Convention as a Delegate, however, you can attend as a guest. Finally, participants consider and vote on any resolutions presented by a participant. This is your opportunity to present a resolution which will be considered at the SD Convention and possibly forwarded on to the State Convention to be part of the state party platform and possibly by the Texas legislature. For the accepted format for a party resolution, click here.
To be valid, all completed paperwork of the precinct convention must be submitted to the county Republican party two to three days after the precinct convention is held. Usually it can be submitted at the end of the meeting.
The SD Convention
The 2024 SD Convention for Senate District 23, which covers Duncanville and the surrounding area, will also be held at Mountain Creek Community Church on Saturday, March 23.
The day begins with check-in at 8:00 AM and is called to order promptly at 9:00 AM. (generally) A break for lunch will include a pre-paid box lunch (normally) or you are welcome to bring your sandwich and drink. Snacks are most often available. The Agenda for each Senate District will differ slightly. The adjournment is at approximately 6:00PM.
The most important part is considering the resolutions from the Precinct Conventions and those presented during the meeting. Also delegates and alternates to the State Convention are approved at the meeting.
Contact Ed Zenner, Temporary Chair with your questions.
[email protected]
The State GOP Convention in SanAntonio, May 23-25, 2024
If you are SURE you can attend the Texas State Republican Convention in San Antonio, please sign up to be a Delegate. If you are not sure, PLEASE sign up to be an ALTERNATE DELEGATE, as 95-100% of ALTERNATES are elevated to full DELEGATE status at Convention once you arrive due to unexpected circumstances. This is not for resume building. You cannot put Convention Delegate on your resume until you actually ATTEND the Convention. Roll Call is taken to assure a Quorum in each Senate District, and no-shows are duly noted. Committee members arrive Sunday May 19, 202 and will begin committee meetings on Monday, May 20, 2024. Convention attendees are expected to be there on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the Convention to VOTE on Party business which includes electing the state party chair and voting on the party platform. Room rates have been pre-set by the Host Hotels by the RPT or find a hotel near the convention center. We encourage ride-sharing. The Convention will be held at the San Antonio Convention Center.